Year 5
Welcome to Year 5!
Year 5 consists of two classes (Beech and Chestnut) with approximately 30 children in each class. The classes are mixed ability classes. The year 5 teaching staff have a wealth of experience which brings engagement and fun to the lessons whilst driving forward with high expectations and pride in work. Both classes gain additional support from highly motivated teaching assistants.
English is underpinned by high quality texts which are carefully chosen to engage and interest and develop an understanding of wider curriculum areas where possible. Real life opportunities are given for writing and the children are taught through a clear model, so that the they become proficient writers in a wide range of texts. Every class has a whole class novel to study and enjoy.
WhiteRose is used to support the planning and delivery of Maths, through the use of concrete, pictorial and abstract models. The children are supported with their learning through the use of scaffolds and concrete equipment.
P.E Days
These are confirmed by teachers via Class Dojo
Homework Expectations
Children should read at home for at least ten minutes a day. As a minimum, children should read at least five times a week. Three of the reads should be with a banded book.
Spellings will be set on a Friday every two weeks.
English and Maths homework will be set on Fridays. This should be completed and handed in to your class teacher the following Friday. If your child has not handed in their homework by this day, they will be given until the following Monday to hand it in. Otherwise, they will be expected to complete the work at lunchtime with a member of staff.