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Studley St. Mary’s

Church of England Academy

Living life in all its fullness

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Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

SEN Vision

At Studley St Mary’s C of E Academy we have a vision of;

Quality First Teaching, Quality First Care’ to enable children to

'Live Life in all its Fullness.'(John10:10)

We use this vision to meet the needs all of all learners so that all pupils will flourish and achieve their potential in our care. 


We believe that every child at our school is unique, we aim to provide a broad and balanced curriculum for all. We are committed to developing cultures, policies and practices that are inclusive. Systems are in place to identify when children have barriers affecting their learning, followed by specific interventions to help children overcome these barriers. This practice of personalising learning applies to all children. For academically more able children this means provision of appropriate challenge to develop their particular talents. Where children are identified as needing additional support in any aspect, the school follows the Code of Practice. This ensures that each child’s needs are individually and appropriately catered for, and that any outside agencies are involved in providing guidance and support. The key principles of the code of practice are:

  • The participation of children, their parents and young people in decision making

    ·   The early identification of children and young people’s need and early intervention to support

    ·   Greater choice and control for young people and parents over support

    ·   Collaboration between education, health and social care services to provide support

  • High quality provision to meet the needs of children with SEN



Our SEND team

We have a team of staff to support the inclusion and provision for children with Special Educational needs. 

Each class teacher has an in depth understanding of every child in their class and their needs. They are responsible for ensuring that teaching and learning is adapted to meet needs. They provide a variety of different scaffolds and supports as part of each lesson. They are also responsible for writing individual plans to support children. If you have any concerns the class teacher is you first point of contact. The year group teams are responsible for interventions to support pupils to fill gaps. 

Mrs Kirkland is our SEND Assistant and can support you further with any potential referrals to SALT, CAHMs, Specialist teachers, mentoring, etc. She is also able to support with meetings where you have already met with the class teacher but have further concerns that you would like to bring up. Mrs Kirkland also support with gathering evidence for Education and Health Care Reviews and Applications. 

Mrs Power is our trainee SENDCo who is the process of completing her professional qualification. Her main role is to have strategic oversight of the progress and attainment of pupils with SEND. She is also responsible for the running of annual reviews. If you have spoken to the class teacher and Mrs Kirkland then Mrs Power is available for appointments. She has a wealth of experience of supporting pupils with a variety of needs. 

Mrs Gordon is our Headteacher and a qualified SENDCo with over 15 years experience. She has strategic oversight of funding, progress and supporting children with high level needs. 

Levels of support for your child

For SEN Policies please see the Policies section on our website.

Local Authorities are required to publish information on all of the provision that they expect to be available across available across education, health and social care for children and young people in their area who have SEN or are disabled, including those who do not have Education, Health and Care (EHC) plans.  This information is available on the local authority websites here:

Warwickshire’s SEND local offer:

This NHS ran page provides information on the different SEN conditions. There are also links to other relevant and useful pages:


The academies SEND offer and SEND policies are available on our policies page here.

