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Studley St. Mary’s

Church of England Academy

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Equality Objectives

All academies in the Diocese of Coventry Multi Academy Trust are committed to ensuring equality throughout the school communities.


Our aim statement is that:
"We provide a safe, supportive Christian environment for all the community, where we work together to be successful learners."


Our Commitment to equality is that:

  • All learners are of equal value

    ·   We recognise and respect difference

    ·   We foster positive attitudes and relationships, and a shared sense of cohesion and belonging

    ·   We observe good equalities practice in staff recruitment, retention and development

    ·   We aim to reduce and remove inequalities and barriers that already exist

  • Society as a whole should benefit.


Our full equality statement is available on our Policies page here.

Our key objectives are: 


Objective 1

To ensure the school actively promotes and prioritises raising awareness, appreciation and celebration of diversity including: gender; sexuality, race and religion.


Objective 2

To raise awareness of and maximise the outcomes for students with SEND.


Objective 3

To promote the importance of good attendance amongst pupils, in particular thise students with SEND


Objective 4

To maximise opportunities and achievement for all groups of pupils, including gender; sexuality, race and religion and those with SEND, through access to extra-curricular activities and curriculum enrichment.


The acheivement of these objectives will be evaluated annually based on: 

attendance data, pupil voice, curriculum development, attainment and progress data from starting points and other quantitive and qualitative data. 
