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Studley St. Mary’s

Church of England Academy

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Reading at Studley St Mary's 

Reading is at the heart of our curriculum. Our aim is that the children leave us as being confident in selecting and reading a wide range of material and enjoy reading for pleasure. 


Reading is taught through a daily reading lesson which includes: 

- How to read fluently 

- Understanding vocabulary 

- Key skills of retrieval, inference, prediction, summarising, making links.

-Modelled answering of questions 


In addition to the daily reading lesson children also: 

- read for pleasure every day

- story time daily

- regular discussion about books, poetry and stories. 

- phonics sessions for those children who need it 

- quality reading materials in other curriculum areas 


Reading Ambassadors 

We have a great team of reading ambassadors who promote a love of reading around school. They have organised a book bank and regularly recommend books to their peers. In the summer term they will be visiting the infant school to share books with the Year 2 pupils before they join us in September. 


Book Bank

Our Book Bank offers all pupils access to free, good quality books that have been donated to us. We understand that not all families can afford reading materials and believe that no child should be left without.


Studley St Mary's uses the Little Wandle scheme to teach phonics. 

Information for parents

It is vital that that children learn to read fluently as quickly as possible and so the teaching of phonics is our highest priority. 

Book Reviews

Coming soon, book reviews

